My Grandpa – Return If Possible ðŸ’”


I can’t actually believe I’m writing this;

Nothing prepares you for a death in the family. Whether it’s expected or not, close or not it’s still a loss and still hurts like hell. 

It’s been a week tomorrow since my Grandpa passed away, another victim of this coronavirus. He did have other underlining issues but that was the main illness. Its awful more-so that I cannot go and see my family or go and hug my mom and nan and so they know that I’m there for them. He was as healthy as possible before that I FaceTimed him just 4 days before he went into hospital & he was moaning about his double chin cause of the camera angle. I had a lovely chat with him and my Nan. Not knowing that would be the last time I saw him. Ever. 

I wanted to do a blog so that I can write about him, my memories of him on here & not on Instagram or Facebook but on here so it’s still ultimately a little more private. I want to add pictures of him and remember the good times. 


There won’t ever be enough words to speak about him, because there just is never enough time. So I guess I’ll start from here- We have a massive family. They have 4 children, 8 grand children and 5 great-grandchildren & obviously the furry ones too. Family has always been a big part of my life from being born. My mom works at my Nan and Grandpas so that always made me closer as I’d always be up there. 

He was such a gentle, quiet and honest soul, but had a massive presence. He was so loving and caring with everything. I remember little things now more than ever. When we kissed goodbye in normal day to day I’d always grab his hand and he’d squeeze it so tight and say ‘Love you darling’, when I’d go to visit he would joke ‘I love your cup of tea’s’ so that I’d have to go make it. Which I would make him a years worth right now if he was here. The amount of laughs we’ve had together are endless. I was always port of call if something technical in the home I would drive up and sort it out. I took care of him after he had his hip replaced last year as i’d had an operation and knew what it is like afterwards and helped him get through that. Another fond memory would be when I bet with him for £50 over a name of a restaurant in Tenerife. He lost and we never ever bet anything again 😂

One passion of his was his motorhome. He absolutely loved it and would be in it for most of the summer (when my nan would want to go) He was always up for trips in it, they used to take us as kids everywhere. To every show possible. We have so many good memories of those times collectively as grand children that we will always have a moment to share about it. 


This is just one of the photos that I remember sitting outside the motorhome having drinks, food and listening to some good old music. We need to remember the good times that we had. He would not want us moping around crying most of the days wishing he was here. He was a very much in the moment for right now, and I need to learn to be more like that.

Here are a few more pictures of us and my family together.


You are in my heart always and I will always love you. 

Rest easy now, and hope you’re looking down on all of us. 

I love you Grandpa


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